1.2. Prerequisites#

The software and configurations listed in this section are prerequisites for following this user guide. The CWL standards are implemented by many different workflow runners and platforms. This list of requirements focuses on the CWL reference runner, cwltool. You can use another CWL compatible runner or workflow systems but the results and interface may look different (though the exact workflow outputs should be identical).

CWL Implementations

There are many implementations of the CWL standards. Some are complete CWL runners, others are plug-ins or extensions to workflow engines. We have a better explanation in the Implementations section.

1.2.1. Operating System#

We recommend using an up-to-date operating system. You can choose any of the following options for your operating system:

  • Linux

  • macOS

  • Windows


If you are using Windows, you will have to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2. Visit the cwltool documentation for details on installing WSL2. Your operating system also needs internet access and a recent version of Python (3.6+).

1.2.2. CWL runner#

The first thing you will need for running CWL workflows is a CWL runner. cwltool is a Python Open Source project maintained by the CWL community. It is also the CWL reference runner, which means it must support everything in the current CWL specification, v1.2.

cwltool can be installed with pip. We recommend using a virtual environment like venv or conda. The following commands will create and activate a Python virtual environment using the venv module, and install cwltool in that environment:

Installing cwltool with pip and venv.#
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ (venv) pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
$ (venv) pip install cwltool


You can find the cwl-runner source code here. Visit the cwltool documentation for other ways to install cwltool with apt and conda.

Let’s use a simple CWl tool description true.cwl with cwltool.

cwlVersion: v1.2
class: CommandLineTool
inputs: []
outputs: []
# `true` is a Linux command that exits with exit code `0` (success).
baseCommand: "true"

The cwltool command has an option to validate CWL tool and workflow descriptionss. It will parse the CWL document, look for syntax errors, and verify that the descriptions are compliant with the CWL standards, without running it. To validate CWL workflows (or even a standalone command line tool description like above) pass the --validate option to the cwltool command:

Validating true.cwl with cwltool.#
$ cwltool --validate true.cwl
INFO /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/common-workflow-languageuser-guide/envs/stable/bin/cwltool 3.1.20221008225030
INFO Resolved 'true.cwl' to 'file:///home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/common-workflow-languageuser-guide/checkouts/stable/src/_includes/cwl/true.cwl'
true.cwl is valid CWL.

You can run the CWL tool description by omitting the --validate option:

Running true.cwl with cwltool.#
$ cwltool true.cwl
INFO /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/common-workflow-languageuser-guide/envs/stable/bin/cwltool 3.1.20221008225030
INFO Resolved 'true.cwl' to 'file:///home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/common-workflow-languageuser-guide/checkouts/stable/src/_includes/cwl/true.cwl'
INFO [job true.cwl] /tmp/eicz1i3_$ true
INFO [job true.cwl] completed success
INFO Final process status is success cwl-runner Python module#

cwl-runner is an implementation-agnostic alias for CWL Runners. Users can invoke cwl-runner instead of invoking a CWL runner like cwltool directly. The cwl-runner alias command then chooses the correct CWL runner. This is convenient for environments with multiple CWL runners.

The CWL community publishes a Python package with the name cwlref-runner that installs an alias for cwltool under the name cwl-runner

Installing cwl-runner alias for cwltool with pip.#
$ pip install cwlref-runner

Now you can validate and run your workflow with cwl-runner executable, which will invoke cwltool. You should have the same results and output as in the previous section.

Validating true.cwl with cwl-runner.#
$ cwl-runner --validate true.cwl
INFO /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/common-workflow-languageuser-guide/envs/stable/bin/cwl-runner 3.1.20221008225030
INFO Resolved 'true.cwl' to 'file:///home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/common-workflow-languageuser-guide/checkouts/stable/src/_includes/cwl/true.cwl'
true.cwl is valid CWL.
Running true.cwl with cwl-runner.#
$ cwl-runner true.cwl
INFO /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/common-workflow-languageuser-guide/envs/stable/bin/cwl-runner 3.1.20221008225030
INFO Resolved 'true.cwl' to 'file:///home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/common-workflow-languageuser-guide/checkouts/stable/src/_includes/cwl/true.cwl'
INFO [job true.cwl] /tmp/010epwis$ true
INFO [job true.cwl] completed success
INFO Final process status is success

Another way to execute cwl-runner is invoking the file directly. For that, the first thing you need to copy true.cwl workflow into a new file true_shebang.cwl and include a special first line, a shebang:

#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner

cwlVersion: v1.2
class: CommandLineTool
inputs: []
outputs: []
# `true` is a Linux command that exits with exit code `0` (success).
baseCommand: "true"

Now you can make the file true_shebang.cwl executable with chmod u+x.

Making true.cwl executable.#
$ chmod u+x true.cwl

And finally you can execute it directly in the command-line and the program specified in the shebang (cwl-runner) will be used to execute the rest of the file.

Running true_shebang.cwl with a shebang.#
$ ./true_shebang.cwl
INFO /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/common-workflow-languageuser-guide/envs/stable/bin/cwl-runner 3.1.20221008225030
INFO Resolved './true_shebang.cwl' to 'file:///home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/common-workflow-languageuser-guide/checkouts/stable/src/_includes/cwl/true_shebang.cwl'
INFO [job true_shebang.cwl] /tmp/h2id3ary$ true
INFO [job true_shebang.cwl] completed success
INFO Final process status is success


The shebang is the two-character sequence #! at the beginning of a script. When the script is executable, the operating system will execute the script using the executable specified after the shebang. It is considered a good practice to use /usr/bin/env <executable> since it looks for the <executable> program in the system PATH, instead of using a hard-coded location.

1.2.3. Text Editor#

You can use any text editor with CWL, but for syntax highlighting we recommend an editor with YAML support. Popular editors are Visual Studio Code, Sublime, WebStorm, vim/neovim, and Emacs.

There are extensions for Visual Studio Code and WebStorm that provide integration with CWL, with customized syntax highlighting and better auto-complete:

The CWL community also maintains a list of editors and viewers: https://www.commonwl.org/tools/#editors

1.2.4. Docker#

cwltool uses Docker to run tools, workflows, and workflow steps that specify a software container. Follow the instructions in the Docker documentation to install it for your operating system: https://docs.docker.com/.

You do not need to know how to write and build Docker containers. In the rest of the user guide we will use existing Docker images for running examples, and to clarify the differences between the execution models with and without containers.


cwltool supports running containers with Docker, Podman, udocker, and Singularity. You can also use alternative container registries for pulling images.

1.2.5. Learn more#