# File Formats Tools and workflows can take `File` types as input and produce them as output. We also recommend indicating the format for `File` types. This helps document for others how to use your tool while allowing you to do some simple type-checking when creating parameter files. For file formats, we recommend referencing existing ontologies (like EDAM in our example), reference a local ontology for your institution, or do not add a file format initially for quick development before sharing your tool with others. You can browse existing [IANA file format listings][IANA] and [EDAM file format listings][EDAM] on their websites. In the next tutorial, we explain the `$namespaces` and `$schemas` section of the document in greater detail, so don't worry about these for now. Note that for added value `cwltool` can do some basic reasoning based on file formats and warn you if there seem to be some obvious mismatches. ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/file-formats/metadata_example.cwl :language: cwl :caption: "`metadata_example.cwl`" :name: metadata_example.cwl ``` The equivalent of this CWL description in command line format is: ```{code-block} console $ wc -l /path/to/aligned_sequences.ext > output.txt ``` ## Sample Parameter Files Below is an example of a parameter file for the example above. We encourage checking in working examples of parameter files for your tool. This allows others to quickly work with your tool, starting from a "known good" parameterization. ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/file-formats/sample.yml :language: yaml :caption: "`sample.yml`" :name: sample.yml ``` ___Note:___ To follow the example below, you need to download the example input file, *file-formats.bam*. The file is available from and can be downloaded e.g. via `wget`: ```{code-block} $ wget https://github.com/common-workflow-language/user_guide/raw/main/src/_includes/cwl/file-formats/file-formats.bam ``` Now invoke `cwltool` with the tool description and the input object on the command line: ```{runcmd} cwltool metadata_example.cwl sample.yml :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/file-formats/ ``` [IANA]: https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml [EDAM]: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/edam/terms?iri=http%3A%2F%2Fedamontology.org%2Fformat_1915