# Expressions If you need to manipulate input parameters, include the requirement `InlineJavascriptRequirement` and then anywhere a parameter reference is legal you can provide a fragment of Javascript that will be evaluated by the CWL runner. ```{important} JavaScript expressions should only be used when absolutely necessary. When manipulating file names, extensions, paths etc, consider whether one of the [built in `File` properties][file-prop] like `basename`, `nameroot`, `nameext`, etc, could be used instead. See the [list of best practices](best-practices.md). ``` ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/expressions/expression.cwl :language: cwl :caption: "`expression.cwl`" :name: expression.cwl ``` As this tool does not require any `inputs` we can run it with an (almost) empty job file: ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/expressions/empty.yml :language: yaml :caption: "`empty.yml`" :name: empty.cwl ``` `empty.yml` contains a description of an empty JSON object. JSON objects descriptions are contained inside curly brackets `{}`, so an empty object is represented simply by a set of empty brackets. We can then run `expression.cwl`: ```{runcmd} cwltool expression.cwl empty.yml :name: running-expression.cwl :caption: Running `expression.cwl` :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/expressions/ ``` ```{runcmd} cat output.txt :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/expressions/ ``` Note that requirements can be provided with the map syntax, as in the example above: ```cwl requirements: InlineJavascriptRequirement: {} ``` Or as an array, with each entry (in this case, only `class: InlineJavascriptRequirement`) marked by a `-`. The same syntax is used to describe the additional command line arguments. ```cwl requirements: - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement ``` ```{admonition} Where are JavaScript expressions allowed? Just like [parameter references](parameter-references.md), you can use JavaScript Expressions only in certain fields. These are: - From [`CommandLineTool`](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#CommandLineTool) - `arguments` - `valueFrom` - `stdin` - `stdout` - `stderr` - From [CommandInputParameter](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#CommandInputParameter) - `format` - `secondaryFiles` - From [`inputBinding`](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#CommandLineBinding) - `valueFrom` - From [CommandOutputParamater](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#CommandOutputParameter) - `format` - `secondaryFiles` - From [CommandOutputBinding](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#CommandOutputBinding) - `glob` - `outputEval` - From `Workflow` - From [InputParameter](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/Workflow.html#InputParameter) and [WorkflowOutputParameter](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/Workflow.html#WorkflowOutputParameter) - `format` - `secondaryFiles` - From `steps` - From [WorkflowStepInput](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/Workflow.html#WorkflowStepInput) - `valueFrom` - From [ExpressionTool](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/Workflow.html#ExpressionTool) - `expression` - From [InputParameter](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/Workflow.html#InputParameter) and [ExpressionToolOutputParameter](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/Workflow.html#ExpressionToolOutputParameter) - `format` - `secondaryFiles` - From [`ResourceRequirement`](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#ResourceRequirement) - `coresMin` - `coresMax` - `ramMin` - `ramMax` - `tmpdirMin` - `tmpdirMax` - `outdirMin` - `outdirMax` - From [`InitialWorkDirRequirement`](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#InitialWorkDirRequirement) - `listing` - in [Dirent](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#Dirent) - `entry` - `entryname` - From `EnvVarRequirement` - From [EnvironmentDef](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#EnvironmentDef) - `envValue` ``` [file-prop]: https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#File ## Using external libraries and inline JavaScript code with `expressionLib` The requirement `InlineJavascriptRequirement` supports an `expressionLib` attribute that allows users to load external JavaScript files, or to provide inline JavaScript code. Entries added to the `expressionLib` attribute are parsed with the JavaScript engine of a CWL runner. This can be used to include external files or to create JavaScript functions that can be called in other parts of the CWL document. ```{note} The CWL standards (versions 1.0 through 1.2) [states](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/CommandLineTool.html#Expressions) that the only version of JavaScript valid in CWL expressions is [ECMAScript 5.1](https://262.ecma-international.org/5.1/). This means that any code that you include or write in your CWL Document must be compliant with ECMAScript 5.1. ``` For example, we can use `InlineJavascriptRequirement` and write a JavaScript function inline in `expressionLib`. That function can then be used in other parts of the CWL document: ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/expressions/hello-world-expressionlib-inline.cwl :language: cwl :caption: "`hello-world-expressionlib-inline.cwl`" :name: "`hello-world-expressionlib-inline.cwl`" :emphasize-lines: 5, 14, 32 ``` Running this CWL workflow will invoke the JavaScript function and result in the `echo` command printing the input message with capital initial letters: ```{runcmd} cwltool hello-world-expressionlib-inline.cwl --message "hello world" :caption: "Running `hello-world-expressionlib-inline.cwl`." :name: running-hell-world-expressionlib-inline-cwl :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/expressions/ ``` Let's move the `capitalizeWords` function to an external file, `custom-functions.js`, and import it in our CWL document: ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/expressions/custom-functions.js :language: javascript :caption: "`custom-functions.js`" :name: "`custom-functions.js`" ``` ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/expressions/hello-world-expressionlib-external.cwl :language: cwl :caption: "`hello-world-expressionlib-external.cwl`" :name: "`hello-world-expressionlib-external.cwl`" :emphasize-lines: 5-6, 14 ``` The `custom-functions.js` file is included in the CWL document with the `$include: custom-functions.js` statement. That makes the functions and variables available to be used in other parts of the CWL document. ```{runcmd} cwltool hello-world-expressionlib-external.cwl --message "hello world" :caption: "Running `hello-world-expressionlib-external.cwl`." :name: running-hell-world-expressionlib-external-cwl :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/expressions/ ``` Finally, note that you can have both inline and external JavaScript code in your CWL document. In this final example we have added another entry to the `expressionLib` attribute with the new function `createHelloWorldMessage`, that calls the `capitalizeWords` function from the external file `custom-functions.js`. ```{literalinclude} /_includes/cwl/expressions/hello-world-expressionlib.cwl :language: cwl :caption: "`hello-world-expressionlib.cwl`" :name: "`hello-world-expressionlib.cwl`" :emphasize-lines: 5-17, 25 ``` ```{runcmd} cwltool hello-world-expressionlib.cwl --message "hello world" :caption: "Running `hello-world-expressionlib.cwl`." :name: running-hell-world-expressionlib-cwl :working-directory: src/_includes/cwl/expressions/ ``` ```{note} The `$include` statement can be used to include a file from the local disk or from a remote location. It works with both relative and absolute paths. Read the [text about `$include`](https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/SchemaSalad.html#Include) from the CWL specification to learn more about it. ```